The Climate Action Lab

at UC San Diego

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GIVE TO the lab

Gifts support student scholarships, initiatives, and activities of the Climate Action Lab at UC San Diego, which focuses on the climate crisis and related issues of justice, equity, health and wellbeing.

Click here to give

Join the lab

Become a faculty or student member by email

Apply for a graduate fellowship [coming soon]

Join a research project

Get a degree

Major or Minor in Climate Change and Human Solutions

Minor in Climate Change Studies 

Master of Advanced Studies in Climate Science and Policy

Take a class

Descriptions of UCSD courses on the social and physical sciences of the climate crisis 

Teach a class

UC-CSU NXTerra is a resource that helps university instructors enhance their climate crisis teaching.

CAMEL Climate Change Education is a free, comprehensive, interdisciplinary, multimedia resource for educators.

Support our work

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Donate time or resources